WDC- 48 -2019
14 November 2019
WASHINGTON, D.C.– Ms. Germaine J. de Ruña and Ma. Aileen A. Garcia, Philippine participants in the Cornell University Alliance for Science Global Leadership Fellows Program (GLFP) visited the Philippine Embassy on 13 November 2019, with Mr. Pablo Ivan Orozco Lopez, Legal Affairs Fellow at the Cornell Alliance for Science.
Philippine Ambassador to the United States, Jose Manuel G. Romualdez, Deputy Chief of Mission Patrick Chuasoto and Philippine Agriculture Attaché Dr. Josyline Javelosa welcomed the Cornell Fellows and listened intently as the Fellows discussed their respective roles and plans after their 12-week training program funded by the Gates Foundation, including policy issues they confront in ensuring a safe and nutritious food supply across the Philippines.
Ambassador Romualdez expressed support to the Fellows’ plans and their interest in bringing suitable agricultural technologies to Philippine farms. Dr. Javelosa also expressed appreciation for the Fellows’ initiatives and encouraged them to serve as an extension of the Embassy’s reach in advancing prosperity among farmers and a food secure Philippines through collaboration with stakeholders in the USA. The Cornell Alliance for Science GLFP’s cohort this year includes 31 participants from 15 countries. During the program, fellows advance their leadership and communication skills including their knowledge of the policy landscapes in their respective countries and globally. ###
14 November 2019