17 DECEMBER 2020
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Philippine Embassy, through Sentro Rizal Washington DC, once again partnered with DC Public School’s Excel Academy for the 2020-2021 Embassy Adoption Program (EAP) school year.
During the first session held virtually via Microsoft Teams on 17 November 2020, the 6th grade all-girls class of Ms. Keisha Hopkins was given an introductory presentation about the Philippines including its history, culture, language, food, and national symbols, and engaged in interactive Q&A games.
An instructional video was likewise presented to the class for a do-it-yourself Christmas lantern-making activity, with the packaged craft kits sent to the school in preparation for the second session.
The second session, which was held on 15 December 2020, focused on the ‘Christmas celebrations in the Philippines, including the Simbang Gabi (early dawn mass), Christmas carols, and the importance of the parol (Christmas lantern) to Filipinos. The Giant Lantern Festival that takes place in San Fernando, Pampanga, Philippines every year was also highlighted in the presentation.
The students shared their experiences in making their parols and how they celebrate Christmas with their families during the last part of the online session. Prizes were given to the top three winners selected by the Embassy as the “best parols”.
The Embassy’s Cultural Officer, Ms. Lia Macadangdang, facilitated both EAP sessions. Established in 1974, the EAP is a unique partnership education program of DCPS and the Washington Performing Arts that exposes DCPS students to international perspectives and cross-cultural lessons. Through direct interactions with embassies and other global entities—including consular offices, government offices, representative offices, and others—fifth and sixth grade students attending DC Public Schools have the opportunity to learn about the language, customs, history and culture of their partner’s home country and culture.