26 JULY 2022
WASHINGTON D.C. – Accentuating the celebration of Filipino-American Friendship day earlier this month, Philippine Embassy officials welcomed and introduced the Philippines and its culture to two batches of student delegates from the AMP Global Scholar Program on 12 and 26 July 2022 at the Embassy’s Romulo Hall. The global scholars range from 9th to 12th graders and mostly come from various US states, if not from abroad.
Minister and Consul Donna M. Rodriguez briefly discussed Philippine politics, economics, and foreign policy during the visits of the AMP Global Scholars. She also highlighted the general functions of the Embassy and attached agencies, as well as her duties and responsibilities as head of the Embassy’s Political and Legislative section.
Meanwhile, Third Secretary and Vice Consul Mark Dominic E. Lim featured Philippine culture, food, and tourism during his presentation. He also shared about the day-to-day work of a diplomat, particularly the Embassy’s engagements with the Filipino diaspora, and had the opportunity to share Filipino sweets to both delegations.
The AMP Global Scholar Program is an international summer leadership program for high-schoolers that aims to provide young leaders with opportunities to expand their network, to learn about cultural diversities, and to enrich their knowledge on current global issues. Through hands-on learning and meetings with leading policy experts, Global Scholar empowers young and emerging leaders to become change makers on their campuses and in their communities. ###