20 JULY 2022
WASHINGTON D.C. – The Philippine Embassy in Washington DC conducted a consular outreach mission on 15 to 17 July 2022 serving some of the 30,000- strong Filipino community in Jacksonville, the largest among the Filipino communities in Florida.
During the 3-day mission, 756 passport renewal applications were processed. 298 FIlipino-Americans have also re-acquired Filipino citizenship, including Mr. Porfirio Luna Aguirre of Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte. At 102 years old, Mr. Aguirre may be the oldest dual citizenship applicant to date, whose oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines was administered by the embassy.
Volunteers from the various Filipino organizations assisted the team in the conduct of the outreach mission: Philippine Nurses Association, Travelers of Jacksonville, Knights of Rizal and Auxiliary Group, to mention a few. Consul General Iric C. Arribas led the 7-member consular team.For updates on subsequent consular outreach missions, please visit ###