24 MAY 2023
Embassy Press and Information Section
WASHINGTON D.C. – For the first time after the pandemic, the Philippine Embassy Washington DC conducted a 3-day Consular Outreach Mission in Charleston, South Carolina on May 19-21, 2023.
South Carolina is home to about 13,000 Filipino- Americans who were employed in the US Navy and in the hospitals and schools. Charleston is the oldest city in South Carolina, dating back to 1670. It is home to one of Boeing’s three global locations for assembling wide-body aircrafts and to Volvo’s car manufacturing facility .
A total of 323 passport renewal applications and 154 dual citizenship applications were processed. Applicants were mostly from South Carolina although some came from neighboring Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida and Alabama. More than 200 Filipinos were also registered into the Philippine Commission on Elections’ Registry of Overseas Voters.
The consular team, led by Consul General Iric Cruz Arribas, was assisted by volunteers from the Filipino Community of Charleston headed by its President, Mr. Roger Viduya. ###